Archaic Wood Elven language

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Language: English
Archaic Wood Elven
EthnicityWood Elves
Extinctsplit into into Classical Wood Elven and Early Orcish around 700 BEKE
Early forms
Tolianem script
Language codes
ISO 639-3

Archaic Wood Elven was the stage of the Wood Elven language spoken between 1300 BEKE and 700 BEKE. During this period of time, the foundations of the Wood Elven literature were laid down, the first written records made their appearance, and the first divergences between dialects appeared as well.

Archaic Wood Elven is not only the first Elven language to have written records written by native speakers, but also the first Elven language to have dialects.

While it may not have boosted as a large collection of famous literary works or famous poets as it's successor Classical Wood Elven, the era in which Archaic Wood Elven was spoken was still an important era for Wood Elven literature, as both early music and works focused on Wood Elven mythology flourished in that era, and their legacy continued to live on, inspiring many poets during the Classical era.

Evolution from Proto-Elven


  • Assibilation: the clusters /tr dr/ become /t͡ʃ d͡ʒ/. This happens before any of the consonant shifts described below.
  • The postalveolar rhotic /r̠/ merged with the postalveolar sibilant /ʒ/, while the postalveolar nasal /n̠/ was preserved as a retroflex nasal flap [ɽ̃].
  • Deaspiration: the aspirated /pʰ tʰ t͡sʰ kʰ kʲʰ kʷʰ/ lost their aspiration, merging with plain /p t t͡s k kʲ kʷ/.
  • Coda-position /l r/ vocalized to /w j/ respectively. In some words, this also applied to post-consonantal /l r/.
  • Phonotactical simplifications:
    • The language makes all complex consonant clusters illegal, limiting it only to /(C)(A)V(G)(C)/, where V stands for vowel, C for consonant, A for approximant (semivowel, lateral, rhotic), G for glide (semivowel). Any consonant cluster that consists of more than two consonants gets broken up by an epithentic schwa /ə/ inserted between the last and second last consonant in the cluster, such as /kaktra//kaktəra/.
    • Only semivowels, nasals, voiceless stops and voiceless fricatives are allowed in the syllable coda. Every other coda consonant was augmented by an epithentic schwa /ə/ and then migrated to the onset of the following syllable.


- ë /ə̯/ i /ɪ̯/ ü /ʏ̯/ u /ʊ̯/ ŕ /aʁ/ ` /ʕʷ/
a /a/ [ɑ] > a /a/ /aə̯/ [ɑə̯] > aö /aə/ ai /aɪ̯/ [ɑɪ̯] > ai /ai/ /aʏ̯/ [ɒʏ̯] > au /au/ au /aʊ̯/ [ɒʊ̯] > au /au/ /aʁ/ [ɑɐ̯] > a /a/ a` /aʕʷ/ [ɒɒ̯] > a /a/
ä /æ/ [æ] > a /a/ äë /æə̯/ [æə̯] > yaö /jaə/ äi /æɪ̯/ [æɪ̯] > yai /jai/ äü /æʏ̯/ [æʏ̯] > yai /jai/ äu /æʊ̯/ [æʊ̯] > yau /jau/ äŕ /æʁ/ [æɐ̯] > ya /ja/ ä` /æʕʷ/ [æɒ̯] > ya /ja/
ë /ə/ [ə] > ö /ə/ - ëi /əɪ̯/ [əɪ̯] > e /e/ ëü /əʏ̯/ [əʏ̯] > öu /əu/ ëu /əʊ̯/ [əʊ̯] > öu /əu/ ëŕ /əʁ/ [əɐ̯] > ö /ə/ ë` /əʕʷ/ [əɒ̯] > ö /ə/
e /e/ [e̞] > e /e/ /eə̯/ [e̞ə̯] > iö /iə/ ei /eɪ̯/ [e̞ɪ̯] > ei /ei/ /eʏ̯/ [e̞ʏ̯] > ei /ei/ eu /eʊ̯/ [e̞ʊ̯] > eu /eu/ /eʁ/ [e̞ɐ̯] > e /e/ e` /eʕʷ/ [e̞ɒ̯] > a /a/
o /o/ [o] > o /o/ /oə̯/ [oə̯] > uö /uə/ oi /oɪ̯/ [oɪ̯] > oi /oi/ /oʏ̯/ [oʏ̯] > oi /oi/ ou /oʊ̯/ [oʊ̯] > ou /ou/ /oʁ/ [oɐ̯] > oa /oa/ o` /oʕʷ/ [oɒ̯] > a /a/
ö /ø/ [ø̞] > yo /jo/ öë /øə̯/ [ø̞ə̯] > yoö /joə/ öi /øɪ̯/ [ø̞ɪ̯] > yoi /joi/ öü /øʏ̯/ [ø̞ʏ̯] > yoi /joi/ öu /øʊ̯/ [ø̞ʊ̯] > you /jou/ öŕ /øʁ/ [ø̞ɐ̯] > yoa /joa/ ö` /øʕʷ/ [ø̞ɒ̯] > ya /ja/
ï /ɨ/ [ɨ] > i /i/ ïë /ɨə̯/ [ɨə̯] > ïö /iə/ - /iʏ̯/ [iʏ̯] > ïu /ɨu̯/ iu /iʊ̯/ [iʊ̯] > ïu /ɨu̯/ ïŕ /ɨʁ/ [ɨɐ̯] > ëa /əa/ ï` /ɨʕʷ/ [ɨɒ̯] > ë /ə/
i /i/ [i] > i /i/ /iə̯/ [iə̯] > ie /ie/ - /iʏ̯/ [iʏ̯] > iu /iu̯/ iu /iʊ̯/ [iʊ̯] > iu /iu̯/ /iʁ/ [iɐ̯] > ea /ea/ i` /iʕʷ/ [iɒ̯] > e /e/
u /u/ [u] > u /u/ /uə̯/ [uə̯] > uö /uə/ ui /uɪ̯/ [uɪ̯] > ui /ui/ - - /uʁ/ [uɐ̯] > ua /ua/ u` /uʕʷ/ [uɒ̯] > o /o/
ü /y/ [y] > yu /ju/ üë /yə̯/ [yə̯] > yuö /juə/ üi /yɪ̯/ [yɪ̯] > yui /jui/ - - üŕ /yʁ/ [yɐ̯] > yua /jua/ ü` /yʕʷ/ [yɒ̯] > yo /jo/
ŕ /ʁ/ [ɐ] > a /a/ - - - - - -



While the Archaic Wood Elven consonant system was rather simplistic, it nevertheless is unique for preserving all 3 velar series of the Proto-Elven language, the plain velar, labio-velar and palato-velar series. Other traits setting it apart from other Elven languages is the deaspiration of aspirated stops instead of fricatization, lack of full depalatalization (instead of depalatalization, there was dissimilation to consonant + /j/ clusters), full shift of /l/ to /r/ or /u/, and overall simplified syllable systems.

Labial Coronal Dorsal
Dental Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Labiovelar
Nasal /m/ /n/ /ɽ̃/ /ɲ/ /ŋ/ /ŋʷ/
Plosive Voiceless /p/ /t/ /t͡s/ /ʈ͡ʂ/ /kʲ/ /k/ /kʷ/
Voiced /b/ /d/ /d͡z/ /d͡ʐ/ /gʲ/ /g/ /gʷ/
Fricative Voiceless /s/ /ʂ/ [h]
Voiced /z/ /ʐ/
Approximant /l/ /ɾ/ /j/ /w/
  • During the later stage of the language, [h] developed as the allophone of all the fricatives following stop consonants.

Northern dialects merged the labio-velar /kʷ gʷ/ with the bilabial /p b/. This divide between Northern and Southern/Central dialects remained even in Classical Wood Elven, when all dialects turned /p/ into /ɸ/ . This is the reason why the name of the Wood Elven / Orcish general - whose name was originally pronunced /torenkʷa/ - was transcribed as Thorm'fa by High Elven scribes and chroniclers.


The Archaic Wood Elven vowel system have have consisted of only seven vowel phonemes with no vowel length distinction (unlike the Proto-Human and Archaic High Elven), but it has preserved most of the distinctions Proto-Elven had - instead of merging the Proto-Elven /æ ø y/ with /a o u/, Archaic Wood Elven diphthongized them to /ja jo ju/.

Front Central Back
Close /i/ /ɨ/ /u/
Mid /e/ /ə/ /o/
Open /a/


Archaic Wood Elven was a flexible subject-object-verb and agglunative language. It has also preserved the vowel harmony of its ancestor Proto-Elven in grammar, having most (but not all) conjugations come with two variants, depending on what kind of vowel did the Proto-Elven root word end with.


Number Singular Plural
Case/Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter Personal Neuter
nominative -o / -yo -a / -ya -om / -yom -ai / -yai -i
genitive -oan / -yöan -anai / -yanyai -am / -yam -ain / -yain -in
dative -o / -yo -anau / -yanyau -an / -yan -aya / -yaya -re
accusative -oanu / -eanu -anari / -yanyari -anam / -yanyam -ayan / -yayan -ine
locative -uwan / -yuwan -uwanai -uwanam -uwain -uwin

The various cases had the following functions:

  • The nominative case usually marks the subject of the sentence.
  • The genitive case marks ownership. For example, "yaubyoan piomyanyo" means "(the) male elf's manliness".
  • The dative case usualy marks indirect objects, similar to the use of English "to" and "for"
  • the accusative case usually marks direct objects, ones that are being directly targeted.
  • The locative case is used in conjunction with various suffixes, in itself it has no meaning at all.


Person First Second Third
Number Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Case/Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter
nominative aga age po pei ko sa kon sei
genitive magai magen pon pein koan sanai kan sein
dative ago agei puwan peiri kuwa sanau kean seya
accusative againo agayan ponan peyan koano sanaya kanan seyan
locative aguwan agwen ponawan peyain kuwan sonai kwanan soin


Simple Continuous
Past -iru / -iryu -iumo / -iume
Present -iri -igio / -igie
Future -igo / -igyo -ingyo
  • The infinitive is marked by -iri, just like Present Simple.
  • Adding an extra -i at the end turns the verb perfect. An example:
    • "seppiri" means "to make someone/something beautiful". It is in Present Simple.
    • "seppigyo" is the same verb, but in Future Simple instead. For example, "you will make her beautiful".
    • "seppigyoi" is the same verb, but in Future Perfect instead. For example, "you will have made her beautiful".

The present simple also has a secondary role - being used for ordering. For example, in Archaic Wood Elven, there was no distinction between stating that someone is doing something and ordering someone to do something. The difference between stating facts and ordering/commanding is indicated by context and tone of voice.


Adjectives had three forms in Archaic Wood Elven:

  • Normal adjective: -ani / -yani
  • Comparitive adjective: -anori / -yaneri
  • Superlative adjective: -anogi / -yanyogi


Adverbs had three forms in Archaic Wood Elven:

  • Normal adverb: -ann / -yann
  • Comparitive adverb: -ainn / -yainn
  • Superlative adverb: -auga / -yauga

Inclusive or vs Exclusive or

Archaic Wood Elven - and by extension, all of its descendant languages - distinguish between the "inclusive or" and the "exclusive or". The earlier means, "either A, B, or both of them", while the latter means "either A or B, but not both of them - never both of them".

  • The word for the inclusive or is 「dzou」
  • The word for the exclusive or is 「ko」

Numerical system

Archaic Wood Elven used a hexadecimal system.

Numbers larger than 16 would be formed by chaining up multiple numbers and adding a postfix. Numbers larger than 16 and smaller than 256 are divided into two numbers that are smaller or equal to 16. Numbers larger than 256 but smaller than 65536 are divided into two numbers that are both smaller than or equal to 256. Similiar segmentation goes on with numbers larger than 65536 but smaller than 4294967296, or numbers larger than 4294967296.

Numbers from 0 to 16

  • 0: myoi
  • 1: au
  • 2: pau
  • 3: gwon
  • 4: nai
  • 5: tsai
  • 6: zoi
  • 7: goi
  • 8: tepi
  • 9: rougau (greater 1)
  • 10: roupau (greater 2)
  • 11: rougwon (greater 3)
  • 12: rounai (greater 4)
  • 13: routsai (greater 5)
  • 14: rouzoi (greater 6)
  • 15: rougoi (greater 7)
  • 16: routepi (greater 8)

Numerical postfixes

  • hexadecimal up: -apa / -yapa
    • Used to separate the upper and lower segments of a hexadecimal number larger than 16 but smaller than 256. For example, "auapa-au" - "1 up 1" - is the hexadecimal number 0x11, equivalent to the decimal 17. Logic and consistency would suggest that 16 (or 0x10) be said as "auapa" - "1 up", but it is actually said as "routepi" - 16. The reason for that is that the concept of zero was discovered by the Proto-Elves roughly at the same time as they transitioned from octal to hexadecimal, and the use of the number carried over.
  • double: -ipi
    • Used to separate the upper and lower segments of a hexadecimal number larger than 256 but smaller than 65536 - both segments being numbers smaller than or equal to 256. For example, "auapa auipi auapa ai" - "1 up 1 double 1 up 1" - is the hexadecimal number 0x1111, equivalent to the decimal 4369. Both segments are 0x11, and the usage of the word "double" combines them into one number: 0x1111.
  • quad: -kwotu / -kyotu
    • Used to separate the upper and lower segments of a hexadecimal number larger than 65536 but smaller than 4294967296 - both segments being smaller than or equal to 65536. For example, "auapa auipi auapa aukwotu auapa auipi auapa au" - "1 up 1 double 1 up 1 quad 1 up 1 double 1 up 1" - is the hexadecimal number 0x11111111, equivalent to the decimal 286331153.
  • octa:-eiti
    • Used to combine the upper and lower segments of a hexadecimal number larger than 4294967296 but smaller than the second power of 4294967296. Used similarly to quad and double, with both segments being smaller than 4294967296.
  • negative: -niu
    • Used to postfix a negative number. For example, '"auapa au" - "1 up 1" - is the equivalent to the decimal 17, while '"auapa auniu" - "1 up 1 negative" - is the equivalent to the decimal -17.
  • Ordinator: -izi
    • Turns a cardinal number into an ordinal number. For example, "au" means "one", while "auizi" means "first".
  • Radix point: tuwi
    • Literally means "full", it separates the integral part of a number from the fractional part. For example, "au tuwi routepi" means 0x1.F, equivalent to the decimal 1.9375.